class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # databases & sql ##
Statistical Programming ### Fall 2021 ###
Dr. Colin Rundel --- exclude: true --- class: middle count: false # The why of databases --- ## Numbers every programmer should know | Task | Timing (ns) | Timing (μs) | |-------------------------------------|-------------------|-------------------| | L1 cache reference | 0.5 | | | L2 cache reference | 7 | | | Main memory reference | 100 | 0.1 | | Random seek SSD | 150,000 | 150 | | Read 1 MB sequentially from memory | 250,000 | 250 | | Read 1 MB sequentially from SSD | 1,000,000 | 1,000 | | Disk seek | 10,000,000 | 10,000 | | Read 1 MB sequentially from disk | 20,000,000 | 20,000 | | Send packet CA->Netherlands->CA | 150,000,000 | 150,000 | .footnote[ From [jboner/latency.txt]( & [sirupsen/napkin-math]( <br/> Jeff Dean's original [talk]( ] --- ## Implications for big data Lets imagine we have a *10 GB* flat data file and that we want to select certain rows based on a particular criteria. This requires a sequential read across the entire data set. If we can store the file in memory: * `\(10~GB \times (250~\mu s / 1~MB) = 2.5\)` seconds If we have to access the file from SSD: * `\(10~GB \times (1~ms / 1~MB) = 10\)` seconds If we have to access the file from disk: * `\(10~GB \times (20~ms / 1~MB) = 200\)` seconds <br/> This is just for *reading* sequential data, if we make any modifications (*writing*) or the data is fragmented things are much worse. --- ## Blocks .center[ *Cost*: Disk << SSD <<< Memory ] <br/> .center[ *Speed*: Disk <<< SSD << Memory ] <br/> So usually possible to grow our disk storage to accommodate our data. However, memory is usually the limiting resource, and if we can't fit everything into memory? <br/> Create *blocks* - group related data (i.e. rows) and read in multiple rows at a time. Optimal size will depend on the task and the properties of the disk. --- ## Linear vs Binary Search Even with blocks, any kind of querying / subsetting of rows requires a linear search, which requires `\(\mathcal{O}(N)\)` accesses where `\(N\)` is the number of blocks. <br/> We can do much better if we are careful about how we structure our data, specifically sorting some or all of the columns. * Sorting is expensive, `\(\mathcal{O}(N \log N)\)`, but it only needs to be done once. * After sorting, we can use a binary search for any subsetting tasks ( `\(\mathcal{O}(\log N)\)` ). * These "sorted" columns are known as *indexes*. * Indexes require additional storage, but usually small enough to be kept in memory while blocks stay on disk. --- ## and then? This is just barely scratching the surface, * Efficiency gains are not just for disk, access is access * In general, trade off between storage and efficiency * Reality is a lot more complicated for everything mentioned so far, lots of very smart people have spent a lot of time thinking about and implementing tools * Different tasks with different requirements require different implementations and have different criteria for optimization --- class: middle count: false # Databases --- ## SQL Structures Query Language is a special purpose language for interacting with (querying and modifying) these indexed tabular data structures. * ANSI Standard but with dialect divergence (MySql, Postgre, sqlite, etc.) * This functionality maps very closely (but not exactly) with the data manipulation verbs present in dplyr. * We will see this mapping in more detail next time. * SQL is likely to be a foundational skill if you go into industry - learn it and put it on your CV --- ## R & databases - the DBI package Low level package for interfacing R with Database management systems (DBMS) that provides a common interface to achieve the following functionality: * connect/disconnect from DB * create and execute statements in the DB * extract results/output from statements * error/exception handling * information (meta-data) from database objects * transaction management (optional) .footnote[ See []( for more details ] --- ## RSQLite Provides the implementation necessary to use DBI to interface with an SQLite database. ```r library(RSQLite) ``` this package also loads the necessary DBI functions as well. -- <br/> Once loaded we can create a connection to our database, ```r con = dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:") str(con) ## Formal class 'SQLiteConnection' [package "RSQLite"] with 5 slots ## ..@ Id :<externalptr> ## ..@ dbname : chr ":memory:" ## ..@ loadable.extensions: logi TRUE ## ..@ flags : int 6 ## ..@ vfs : chr "" ``` --- ## Example Table ```r employees = data.frame( name = c("Alice","Bob","Carol","Dave","Eve","Frank"), email = c("", "", "", "", "", ""), salary = c(52000, 40000, 30000, 33000, 44000, 37000), dept = c("Accounting", "Accounting","Sales", "Accounting","Sales","Sales"), ) ``` ```r dbWriteTable(con, name = "employees", value = employees) ## [1] TRUE dbListTables(con) ## [1] "employees" ``` --- ## Removing Tables ```r dbWriteTable(con, "employs", employees) ## [1] TRUE dbListTables(con) ## [1] "employees" "employs" dbRemoveTable(con,"employs") ## [1] TRUE dbListTables(con) ## [1] "employees" ``` --- ## Querying Tables ```r (res = dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM employees")) ## <SQLiteResult> ## SQL SELECT * FROM employees ## ROWS Fetched: 0 [incomplete] ## Changed: 0 dbFetch(res) ## name email salary dept ## 1 Alice 52000 Accounting ## 2 Bob 40000 Accounting ## 3 Carol 30000 Sales ## 4 Dave 33000 Accounting ## 5 Eve 44000 Sales ## 6 Frank 37000 Sales dbClearResult(res) ## [1] TRUE ``` --- ## Creating empty tables ```r dbCreateTable(con, "iris", iris) (res = dbSendQuery(con, "select * from iris")) ## <SQLiteResult> ## SQL select * from iris ## ROWS Fetched: 0 [complete] ## Changed: 0 dbFetch(res) ## [1] Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species ## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names) ``` -- ```r dbFetch(res) %>% as_tibble() ## # A tibble: 0 × 5 ## # … with 5 variables: Sepal.Length <dbl>, Sepal.Width <dbl>, Petal.Length <dbl>, ## # Petal.Width <dbl>, Species <chr> dbClearResult(res) ``` --- ## Adding to tables ```r dbAppendTable(con, name = "iris", value = iris) ## [1] 150 ## Warning message: ## Factors converted to character ``` ```r (res = dbSendQuery(con, "select * from iris")) ## <SQLiteResult> ## SQL select * from iris ## ROWS Fetched: 0 [incomplete] ## Changed: 0 dbFetch(res) %>% as_tibble() ## # A tibble: 150 x 5 ## Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> ## 1 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 setosa ## 2 4.9 3 1.4 0.2 setosa ## 3 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 setosa ## 4 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 setosa ## 5 5 3.6 1.4 0.2 setosa ## 6 5.4 3.9 1.7 0.4 setosa ## 7 4.6 3.4 1.4 0.3 setosa ## 8 5 3.4 1.5 0.2 setosa ## 9 4.4 2.9 1.4 0.2 setosa ## 10 4.9 3.1 1.5 0.1 setosa ## # … with 140 more rows ``` --- ## Ephemeral results ```r res ## <SQLiteResult> ## SQL select * from iris ## ROWS Fetched: 150 [complete] ## Changed: 0 dbFetch(res) %>% as_tibble() ## # A tibble: 0 x 5 ## # … with 5 variables: Sepal.Length <dbl>, Sepal.Width <dbl>, Petal.Length <dbl>, Petal.Width <dbl>, ## # Species <chr> dbClearResult(res) ``` --- ## Closing the connection ```r con ## <SQLiteConnection> ## Path: :memory: ## Extensions: TRUE dbDisconnect(con) ## [1] TRUE con ## <SQLiteConnection> ## DISCONNECTED ``` --- class: middle count: false # SQL Queries --- ## Connecting ```shell cr173@trig2 [class_2021_10_19]$ sqlite3 employees.sqlite SQLite version 3.34.1 2021-01-20 14:10:07 Enter ".help" for usage hints. Connected to a transient in-memory database. Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database. sqlite> ``` --- ## Table information The following is specific to SQLite ```sqlite sqlite> .tables employees ``` ```sqlite sqlite> .schema employees CREATE TABLE `employees` ( `name` TEXT, `email` TEXT, `salary` REAL, `dept` TEXT ); ``` ```sqlite sqlite> .indices employees ``` --- ## SELECT Statements ```sqlite sqlite> SELECT * FROM employees; Alice||52000.0|Accounting Bob||40000.0|Accounting Carol||30000.0|Sales Dave||33000.0|Accounting Eve||44000.0|Sales Frank||37000.0|Sales ``` --- ## Pretty Output We can make this table output a little nicer with some additonal SQLite options: ```sqlite sqlite> .mode column sqlite> .headers on ``` ```sqlite sqlite> SELECT * FROM employees; name email salary dept ---------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- Alice 52000.0 Accounting Bob 40000.0 Accounting Carol 30000.0 Sales Dave 33000.0 Accounting Eve 44000.0 Sales Frank 37000.0 Sales ``` --- ## select using SELECT We can subset for certain columns (and rename them) using `SELECT` ```sqlite sqlite> SELECT name AS first_name, salary FROM employees; first_name salary ---------- ---------- Alice 52000.0 Bob 40000.0 Carol 30000.0 Dave 33000.0 Eve 44000.0 Frank 37000.0 ``` --- ## arrange using ORDER BY We can sort our results by adding `ORDER BY` to our `SELECT` statement ```sqlite sqlite> SELECT name AS first_name, salary FROM employees ORDER BY salary; first_name salary ---------- ---------- Carol 30000.0 Dave 33000.0 Frank 37000.0 Bob 40000.0 Eve 44000.0 Alice 52000.0 ``` --- We can sort in the opposite order by adding `DESC` ```sqlite SELECT name AS first_name, salary FROM employees ORDER BY salary DESC; first_name salary ---------- ---------- Alice 52000.0 Eve 44000.0 Bob 40000.0 Frank 37000.0 Dave 33000.0 Carol 30000.0 ``` --- ## filter via WHERE We can filter rows by adding `WHERE` to our statements ```sqlite sqlite> SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary < 40000; name email salary dept ---------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- Carol 30000.0 Sales Dave 33000.0 Accounting Frank 37000.0 Sales sqlite> SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary < 40000 AND dept = "Sales"; name email salary dept ---------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- Carol 30000.0 Sales Frank 37000.0 Sales ``` --- ## group_by via GROUP BY We can create groups for the purpose of summarizing using `GROUP BY`. As with dplyr it is not terribly useful by itself. ```sqlite sqlite> SELECT * FROM employees GROUP BY dept; name email salary dept ---------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- Dave 33000.0 Accounting Frank 37000.0 Sales sqlite> SELECT dept, COUNT(*) AS n FROM employees GROUP BY dept; dept n ---------- ---------- Accounting 3 Sales 3 ``` --- ## head via LIMIT We can limit the number of rows we get by using `LIMIT` and order results with `ORDER BY` with or without `DESC` ```sqlite sqlite> SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 3; name email salary dept ---------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- Alice 52000.0 Accounting Bob 40000.0 Accounting Carol 30000.0 Sales sqlite> SELECT * FROM employees ORDER BY name DESC LIMIT 3; name email salary dept ---------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- Frank 37000.0 Sales Eve 44000.0 Sales Dave 33000.0 Accounting ``` --- ## Exercise 1 Using sqlite calculate the following quantities, 1. The total costs in payroll for this company 2. The average salary within each department .footnote[ [SQLite's aggregation function documentation]( ] --- ## Import CSV files ```sqlite sqlite> .mode csv sqlite> .import phone.csv phone sqlite> .tables employees phone sqlite> .mode column sqlite> SELECT * FROM phone; name phone ---------- ------------ Bob 919 555-1111 Carol 919 555-2222 Eve 919 555-3333 Frank 919 555-4444 ``` --- ## SQL Joins .center[ <img src="imgs/sql_joins.png" width="587" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- background-image: url(imgs/venn-join1.png) background-position: center background-size: contain .footnote[From Data Geekery SQL Masterclass] --- background-image: url(imgs/venn-cross-join1.png) background-position: center background-size: contain .footnote[From Data Geekery SQL Masterclass] --- ## Joins - Default By default SQLite uses a `CROSS JOIN` which is not terribly useful most of the time (similar to R's `expand.grid()`) ```sqlite sqlite> SELECT * FROM employees JOIN phone; name email salary dept name phone ---------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------ Alice 52000.0 Accounting Bob 919 555-1111 Alice 52000.0 Accounting Carol 919 555-2222 Alice 52000.0 Accounting Eve 919 555-3333 Alice 52000.0 Accounting Frank 919 555-4444 Bob 40000.0 Accounting Bob 919 555-1111 Bob 40000.0 Accounting Carol 919 555-2222 Bob 40000.0 Accounting Eve 919 555-3333 Bob 40000.0 Accounting Frank 919 555-4444 Carol 30000.0 Sales Bob 919 555-1111 Carol 30000.0 Sales Carol 919 555-2222 Carol 30000.0 Sales Eve 919 555-3333 Carol 30000.0 Sales Frank 919 555-4444 Dave 33000.0 Accounting Bob 919 555-1111 Dave 33000.0 Accounting Carol 919 555-2222 Dave 33000.0 Accounting Eve 919 555-3333 Dave 33000.0 Accounting Frank 919 555-4444 Eve 44000.0 Sales Bob 919 555-1111 Eve 44000.0 Sales Carol 919 555-2222 Eve 44000.0 Sales Eve 919 555-3333 Eve 44000.0 Sales Frank 919 555-4444 Frank 37000.0 Sales Bob 919 555-1111 Frank 37000.0 Sales Carol 919 555-2222 Frank 37000.0 Sales Eve 919 555-3333 Frank 37000.0 Sales Frank 919 555-4444 ``` --- ## Inner Join If you want SQLite to find the columns to merge on automatically then we prefix the join with `NATURAL`. ```sqlite sqlite> SELECT * FROM employees NATURAL JOIN phone; name email salary dept phone ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ------------ Bob 40000.0 Accounting 919 555-1111 Carol carol@company.c 30000.0 Sales 919 555-2222 Eve 44000.0 Sales 919 555-3333 Frank 37000.0 Sales 919 555-4444 ``` --- ## Inner Join - Explicit ```sqlite sqlite> SELECT * FROM employees JOIN phone ON =; name email salary dept name phone ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------ Bob 40000.0 Accounting Bob 919 555-1111 Carol carol@company.c 30000.0 Sales Carol 919 555-2222 Eve 44000.0 Sales Eve 919 555-3333 Frank 37000.0 Sales Frank 919 555-4444 ``` -- <br/> to avoid the duplicate `name` column we can use `USING` instead of `ON` ```sqlite sqlite> SELECT * FROM employees JOIN phone USING(name); name email salary dept phone ----- ----------------- ------- ---------- ------------ Bob 40000.0 Accounting 919 555-1111 Carol 30000.0 Sales 919 555-2222 Eve 44000.0 Sales 919 555-3333 Frank 37000.0 Sales 919 555-4444 ``` <br/> As a rule, the `USING` (or `NATURAL`) clause is used if the column names match between tables, otherwise `ON` is needed. --- ## Left Join - Natural ```sqlite sqlite> SELECT * FROM employees NATURAL LEFT JOIN phone; name email salary dept phone ---------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Alice 52000.0 Accounting Bob 40000.0 Accounting 919 555-11 Carol 30000.0 Sales 919 555-22 Dave 33000.0 Accounting Eve 44000.0 Sales 919 555-33 Frank 37000.0 Sales 919 555-44 ``` --- ## Left Join - Explicit ```sqlite sqlite> SELECT * FROM employees LEFT JOIN phone ON =; name email salary dept name phone ---------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Alice 52000.0 Accounting Bob 40000.0 Accounting Bob 919 555-11 Carol 30000.0 Sales Carol 919 555-22 Dave 33000.0 Accounting Eve 44000.0 Sales Eve 919 555-33 Frank 37000.0 Sales Frank 919 555-44 ``` -- <br/> As above to avoid the duplicate `name` column we can use `USING`, or can be more selective about our returned columns, ```sqlite SELECT employees.*, phone FROM employees LEFT JOIN phone ON =; name email salary dept phone ----- ----------------- ------- ---------- ------------ Alice 52000.0 Accounting Bob 40000.0 Accounting 919 555-1111 Carol 30000.0 Sales 919 555-2222 Dave 33000.0 Accounting Eve 44000.0 Sales 919 555-3333 Frank 37000.0 Sales 919 555-4444 ``` --- ## Other Joins Note that SQLite does not support directly support an `OUTER JOIN` (e.g a full join in dplyr) or a `RIGHT JOIN`. - A `RIGHT JOIN` can be achieved by switch the two tables (i.e. A right join B is equivalent to B left join A) - An `OUTER JOIN` can be achieved via using `UNION ALL` with both left joins (A on B and B on A) --- ## Creating an index ```sqlite sqlite> CREATE INDEX index_name ON employees (name); sqlite> .indices index_name sqlite> CREATE INDEX index_name_email ON employees (name,email); sqlite> .indices index_name index_name_email ``` --- ## Subqueries We can nest tables within tables for the purpose of queries. ```sqlite SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM employees NATURAL LEFT JOIN phone) WHERE phone IS NULL; name email salary dept phone ---------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Alice 52000.0 Accounting Dave 33000.0 Accounting ``` ```sqlite sqlite> SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM employees NATURAL LEFT JOIN phone) WHERE phone IS NOT NULL; name email salary dept phone ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ------------ Bob 40000.0 Accounting 919 555-1111 Carol carol@company.c 30000.0 Sales 919 555-2222 Eve 44000.0 Sales 919 555-3333 Frank 37000.0 Sales 919 555-4444 ``` --- ## Excercise 2 Lets try to create a table that has a new column - `abv_avg` which contains how much more (or less) than the average, for their department, each person is paid. Hint - This will require joining a subquery. `employees.sqlite` is available in the exercises repo. <!-- ```sqlite sqlite> SELECT *, salary-avg AS diff FROM employees NATURAL JOIN (SELECT dept, ROUND(AVG(salary),2) AS avg FROM employees GROUP BY dept); name email salary dept avg diff ---------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Alice 52000.0 Accounting 41666.67 10333.33 Bob 40000.0 Accounting 41666.67 -1666.67 Carol 30000.0 Sales 37000.0 -7000.0 Dave 33000.0 Accounting 41666.67 -8666.67 Eve 44000.0 Sales 37000.0 7000.0 Frank 37000.0 Sales 37000.0 0.0 ``` -->